Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Gritty City

The city inspires
its spires require
a gaze through the haze
to blaze through the maze-
to praise in amazement
"how wondrous is life"
--the people that make it.

the planes of existence
that litter this jungle
of concrete and steel.
they steal you a meal
and make you feel real
but don't eat the veal
because its not humanitarian.
and our culture obsesses over social justice.

Hey! If we care so much, why can't we smile at each other on the subway? Or help a stranger who has a seizure on the train?

I wish you all and myself a joyous today and tomorrow, filled with blessings and happy encounters with strangers and friends alike.

and remember, the journey IS part of the destination :-)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Chanuka - grow another candle

Happy Chanuka to all!

We light our chanukiot (or "menorahs" to be imprecise) in ascending order; each day, we add another candle. A nice thought I heard today as to why we do this, instead of starting with 8, and descending to 1, or lighting 8 every night, or any other order of lighting, is the following:

Us Jews are into healthy growth. We're not into super fast, super high jumps, although they are cool to watch.

When all those rabbis talk about building ourselves up to the individuals we can become, they refer to a slow and thorough process. Each step must be carefully calculated, carefully thought through, and planned out to be appropriate and firmly-rooted in sensible goodness. It ain't easy, but it's worth it.
This is something our chanuka lighting-order can remind us - go up and up and up, but not just 8 levels; reach for the stars!

Blessings to all for a light-filled chanuka, and a growth-oriented life that starts now!


ps. these thoughts were adapted from a beautiful lecture given by Rabbi Menachem Greenblatt at Missouri Torah Institute, Chesterfield, MO.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Survival Kit

Here's a cute survival kit from Nusach Hari's Rabbi Zeev Smason. It's really cute; I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

1) Toothpick -- to remind you to pick out the good qualities in others.
2) Rubber Band -- to remind you to be flexible, since things don't always go the way you want.
3) Band-Aid - to remind you to heal hurt feelings, yours or someone else's
4) Eraser -- to remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and to forgive them.
5) Chewing gum -- to remind you that if you stick with it, you can accomplish anything.
6) Hershey Kisses -- when you need a hug.
7) Candle -- for when you're up late with someone who needs you.
8) Lifesaver candy (kosher, of course) -- to remind you that you're a lifesaver to so many people.

Love and Blessings!
- Yosef

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

To save (another's) face...

We often talk about "saving face" - as a selfish thing. Well, it is. However, when we attempt to save another from embarrassment, we model after our ancestors...

Click here for more on that, and a video for contrast

Whose face can you save today?



Thursday, December 3, 2009


Pumpkittens in mittens
Sitting, remitting.
While scooting the cuties
Away from the hay
may chase them
Astray, I say
It deems today
Okay to stay.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


we share this place
to love all space
and time between-

those little gaps
that fill the cracks
of being.

to feel is to be human
it's sympathy,
not whimpathy

how do you love?