Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lessons from Grandpa

“Hi, call me Grandpa”. He said that to all of my friends, and that’s what they did, but biologically, he was only mine.
By profession, Grandpa was a teacher; so I’d like to share a few lessons he taught me. These lessons are echoed in Pirkei Avos, the classic book of Jewish Ethics, and I’ll relate them by way of some memories of grandpa, Manny Gillers,
מנדל עמנואל בן בירל
"Shammai said: ... receive everyone with a cheerful countenance." (1:15).
Grandpa did exactly that - he received everyone, and they received him. In an instant, you were grandpa’s best friend. In fact, you were his fellow classmate from cheder, or so he told us grandkids. I really thought that the cheder of his childhood had been enormous, after all, its alumni spanned the East coast from Disney World to Boston.
One afternoon, while shopping for produce before Pesach, he shmoozed up the clerk to get a deal on the fruits and veggies. Actually, he probably didn’t even get a deal, but he wanted to catch up with his old friend. Right, his “old friend”. On the way out, I asked Chanani incredulously, “did he really go to cheder with that guy? That is so cool?!”. “No.” Chanani replied, “He just says that about everyone”.
Well, I was around 10 years old, and I had been fooled by grandpa, but you would have been too, had you seen the way he and the clerk got along. Grandpa really got along with everyone. His “cheerful countenounce” shined upon everyone.
Another wonderful thing about his “cheerful countenance” was that it manifested itself in his actions too.
I used to sleepover at my grandparents apartment in Brookline, through the beginning of high school. By the end of this period, the sleepovers were more to take care of them, but always, I loved hanging out with them, going through his drawers looking for all sorts of free trinkets, and finding quarters. I’d collect these quarters for a while, until I had quite a substantial sum. I think grandpa used to plant these quarters, because I scoured every single one in his drawers. It was kind of like a secret allowance he gave me.
Every time I went over there, the first thing he did was rave about my milkshakes. “Oooo, Yos, I’m soooo thirsty, I would love one of your famous milkshakes!”.
These famous Milkshakes were surely disgusting, but he made me feel like the real smoothie king. He’d rave about my smoothies. Really, they probably tasted gross. I mean, there was the freezer-burned ice cream, and the week-old fruits he had hoarded from the cafeteria upstairs. Well, I’ll never know how bad they were, because he made me think they were the most delicious smoothies in existence.
That was another beautiful thing about grandpa, when I was with him, nothing else in the world mattered. In fact, in almost did not exist. Grandpa gave us all his full attention and love. He knew how to make us feel really special. And he did that for everyone.

"Ben (the son of) Zoma said: Who is wise? He who learns from all people, as it is said: 'From all those who taught me I gained understanding' (Psalms 119:99) ... Who is rich? He who is satisfied with his lot, as it is said: 'When you eat the toil of your hands you are fortunate and it is good for you' (Psalms 128:2) ... " (4:1)

This mishna (teaching) highlights two more qualities of Gramps: (1) He was the perfect teacher - an eternal student, and (2) he was the richest man in the world - he was more than happy with whatever he had.
In the classroom, I’m sure he was wonderful, but as my teacher, forever he was fun and fantastic. He always listened to me, and always gave good advice. Every class project I had, I’d run it by grandpa, and see what he had to see. He had the most wonderful advice, and he’d always make it enjoyable.
Even the past few years in the hospital, I’d still get nods of approval or headshakes of disapproval on all of my expeditions. His approval meant the world to me.
Something about Grandpa that baffled me was that I never heard him complain or wish he had anything. He was so happy with everything he had. Satisfied, and knew how to make the most of everything:
Growing up, I thought it was normal to have disney figurines, compliments of a McDonald’s BigMac. I soon realised that McDonalds was not kosher, and that grandpa spent money on food he would not eat, just to get a “free” prize for his grandkids. I doubt he actually bought the meals, he probably just sweet-talked his way into free toys. Or he went to cheder with the local manager.
Another shtick of his, which was brilliant, was his prize-giving techniques. He would always have us compete for different prizes. The competitions could have been “who can run to the car first” or “who can spot a dolphin in the tunnel”. The prizes were always the same: a napkin or straw from dunkin donuts, or some other food chain.

"Rabbi Yishmael said, be yielding to a superior, gentle to the young (lit., black of hair), and receive every person with cheerfulness." (3:16)
He was beyond gentle to the young. Everything he did was so much fun, every child would love him in a second.
We made airplanes that flew quite well. These models were constructed from those old styrofoam cartons that come free with fruits and vegetables. My friends would come over and we’d make em fly!
He and grandma took us to Disneyworld when I was in second grade. My grandmother previously had hip surgery, so she was technically eligible for handicapped wheelchair access. So we got grandma a wheelchair, which got us all to cut the lines for the roller-coasters, and we sped our way through three days of euphoria. Not only did we skip all the lines, but we’d also get free rides in the wheelchair, switching off between me, Chanani, and Sa, because, thank G-d, Grandma could walk just fine.
He also taught me a new way to prepare food: the microwave. Not popcorn, but hot dogs and eggs. Well, to this day, I still think it’s pretty nifty, albeit a little strange, but delicious and pretty resourceful. A kosher holiday inn barbecue.
He also went to cheder with all the drivers of the disneyworld monorail system. Every time we’d hop on for a ride, Grandpa got us a sneak peak into the cockpit, sometimes we even got to take a turn at the controls. He had a way of making everything we did the coolest thing ever.
Grandpa had a funny place for soda can storage: his oven. Why did he do this? Because his cabinets were full of watches and trinkets. Oh yeah, and dishes. He was just a fun guy.

Dear Grandpa,
I know how much you loved flying, and since you left this world on Shabbos (sabbath), you’re flight is straight to heaven. Well, I’m sure you talked your way into the cockpit, and of course, went to cheder with the pilot. Would you do us a favor down here, and take care of us. Thanks. I love you.

Monday, May 3, 2010

l'ilui nishmas Grandpa Gillers

This Past Shabbos (Saturday, May 1, 2010), my grandpa, Manny Gillers left this world.

To merit his soul, and elevate it to higher spiritual realms, I am organizing the learning of Mishnayos in his memory. If you are able to learn a section of mishna, I would love that. Please sign up at the following link:

Please choose a masechet, and add your name. If you'd like to work on it with friends, that is wonderful.

When learning the mishnayos, please preface the session with "l'ilui Nishmas Mendel Emanuel ben Berel" ’לעלוי נשמת מנדל עמנואל בן בריל

I will post some memories about my Grandpa soon, to give a picture of the wonderful man whose memory should be blessed.

Thank you so much.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring into renewal

majestic magnolia
it modestly sleeps
no noises or movements
not even a peepits quiet demeanor
fools all but the keenest
its silent eruption
of color, the cleanest.
majestically purple
yet perfectly white
the day that it blossoms
oh, what a sight!the lesson it teaches
complex at its core
take nothing for granted
and never abhor
the beauty lies dormant
the process completeswith modest assurance
no others compete.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sacrificial poetry

our sedra confounds us, perhaps it's profound
the blood, the slaughter, are we slaves to otters?
archaic, it's ancient, where's the relevance?
demand the meaning, result is beaming.

we sacrifice sheep and learn to weep
we give of ourselves, our souls we delve
into the depths, across the breadths.

break away from the herd. become you.

Friday, February 26, 2010

A true purim miracle

Purim is a day of hidden miracles. A holy brother by the name of josh experienced quite a special purim miracle.
Enjoy the story.

A freilichin Purim!!! (Happy Purim to all!!)

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Purim is around the corner. As I fast today, I reflect on the past few months and the wonderful lot I have been drawn.

Thank you to everyone who shares and adds to the joy of every day.

here's some fun purim nanach music:


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

the photographic poetic of snow and morning light

a beacon of light across a sea of snow

light and snow dance while the deer prance

man and tree exchange on the sea

glances of beauty.

After crossing paths, they glance back at each other and wink.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

friends. for fun, and for life

chicken little had a hen,
after which he made a pen,
then he went and built and den.
i hope he finds a friend.

Friends are important; I cherish mine, and yours too.

Blessings to all for a lovely now. :-)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blessings of Rain

Rainy days seem gloomy, but the earth gets replenished. The water feeds the soil and dances with nutrients to bring more life. It's a blessing in disguise. We all have blessings in our lives, some in disguise, others obvious. Let's embrace them and spread the blessing!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Moscow, Day 1

Moscow Jewish Leadership Camp
at Lauder Etz Chaim Yeshiva
Winter, 2010

"Priviet, minya zavot Yosef. Ya abazhayu sniek. Ya katAyoos naleezhach luchay fsiyech vas. Katorshka!" That's all the Russian I know so far, and it means:
"Hello, my name is yosef. I love snow. I can ski better than you. POTATO!"

The past 24 hours in Russia have been filled with surprises; thankfully, most of them were pleasant. From rocket ships and backwards glyphs as letters of their alphabet, to shady civilians whom you flag down for a taxi, possibly on their way to the nightclub, or in between drinks, it's a funky ride. Sounds normal, right?

The first day, Thank G-d, was awesome! The kids begged for more activities, and over half of them signed up for the shabbaton!

I shall write more tomorrow, after some sleep, and hopefully, another successful and enjoyable day!

spakonye noch! (good night!)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Travel Thoughts

airports and busses,
subways and fusses
i fell asleep en route to the city
was rudely awoken by honking horns
i wallowed a moment enduring self pity
slapped myself silly at thoughts of the thorns

those beautiful epics
who weave into relics
and jump on your future
while stealing the past
they linger, frozen in time
just grazing the blast
of now.