Monday, May 3, 2010

l'ilui nishmas Grandpa Gillers

This Past Shabbos (Saturday, May 1, 2010), my grandpa, Manny Gillers left this world.

To merit his soul, and elevate it to higher spiritual realms, I am organizing the learning of Mishnayos in his memory. If you are able to learn a section of mishna, I would love that. Please sign up at the following link:

Please choose a masechet, and add your name. If you'd like to work on it with friends, that is wonderful.

When learning the mishnayos, please preface the session with "l'ilui Nishmas Mendel Emanuel ben Berel" ’לעלוי נשמת מנדל עמנואל בן בריל

I will post some memories about my Grandpa soon, to give a picture of the wonderful man whose memory should be blessed.

Thank you so much.

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